There will be one (1) Part-Time (3 days a week) Long-Term Substitute - Title I Teaching position at Olentangy Meadows Elementary for the 2024-2025 school year beginning on January 6, 2025 through May 22, 2025. The part time position will report to the building 3 days a week from 8:20 am - 4:00 pm. Qualified candidates will be employed through the Educational Service Center of Central Ohio (ESCCO) and must hold or be eligible for valid and appropriate general education license with the Ohio Department of Education Essential functions: ensure the safety of students; provide academic support to students in small groups, prepare clear and timely lesson plans; demonstrate knowledge of subject matter; create an environment that is conducive to learning; provide instruction that supports the progression of learning for students, support the collection and usage of data, collect documentation as needed; and, observe ethics of the teaching profession. Title I Teachers follow the certified substitute pay and are compensated at a rate of $155/day; $180/day for days 61+ in a consecutive work assignment (no benefits). Contact Information: Kristin Baker at or 740-657-5551 " />
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Tuesday, December 10, 2024 12:00 AM  -
Friday, January 10, 2025 11:59 PM
(Eastern Standard Time)

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Title 1 Long-Term Substitute Teacher_ESCCO/OMES
Job Description
Salary Range $155.00 - $180.00 / Substitute
Shift Type Full-Time
Job Contact Information
Name Kristin Baker
Title Principal
Phone 740-657-5551