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Job Listings
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Job TitlePosting DateTypeLocation
Olentangy High School Long-Term District Pool Substitute_ESCCO/OHS01/10/2025SubstituteOLENTANGY HIGH SCHOOLApply
Scioto Ridge ES Long-term Sub Intervention Aide01/10/2025ClassifiedSCIOTO RIDGE ELEMENTARYApply
Classified_Intervention Aide_OCES01/09/2025ClassifiedOAK CREEK ELEMENTARYApply
Hyatts MS Long-term Sub Intervention Aide01/09/2025ClassifiedHYATTS MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
HS Freshman Baseball Coach01/07/2025CoachingBERLIN HIGH SCHOOLApply
Title 1 Long-Term Substitute Teacher_ESSCO/ACES01/07/2025SubstituteALUM CREEK ELEMENTARYApply
Title 1 Long-Term Substitute Teacher_ESCCO/GOES01/06/2025SubstituteGLEN OAK ELEMENTARYApply
Berlin HS Long-term Sub Intervention Aide01/06/2025ClassifiedBERLIN HIGH SCHOOLApply
Preschool Long-Term Intervention Specialist Substitute_ESCCO/OLSD01/06/2025SubstituteDISTRICTApply
ESC Preschool Assistant/Intervention Aide01/03/2025ClassifiedOLENTANGY SHANAHAN PRESCHOOLApply
Classified_Intervention Aide_OMES01/03/2025ClassifiedOLENTANGY MEADOWS ELEMENTARYApply
Peachblow Crossing-ES Playground and/or Cafeteria Substitute Aide (4-5hours/per day)01/03/2025SubstitutePEACHBLOW CROSSING ELEMENTARYApply
Berlin HS Classified Substitute01/02/2025SubstituteBERLIN HIGH SCHOOLApply
Classified_Bus Driver_FT12/31/2024ClassifiedTRANSPORTATION - LIBERTYApply
Classified_Intervention Aide_SRES12/23/2024ClassifiedSCIOTO RIDGE ELEMENTARYApply
Liberty Tree Elementary School Long-Term District Pool Substitute_ESCCO/LTES12/20/2024SubstituteLIBERTY TREE ELEMENTARYApply
MS World Language, French12/18/2024Certified TeachingSHANAHAN MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
Classified_Custodian, Lead_WCES12/18/2024ClassifiedWALNUT CREEK ELEMENTARYApply
Peachblow Crossing ES-Long-term Sub Intervention Aide12/18/2024ClassifiedPEACHBLOW CROSSING ELEMENTARYApply
Classified_Food Service Worker, 4hr_WRES12/17/2024ClassifiedWYANDOT RUN ELEMENTARYApply
Liberty Middle School_District Pool Substitute_ESCCO/OLMS12/17/2024SubstituteLIBERTY MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
Long-term Certified Substitute_ESCCO/LTES12/16/2024SubstituteLIBERTY TREE ELEMENTARYApply
Orange HS Long-term Sub Intervention Aide12/13/2024ClassifiedORANGE HIGH SCHOOLApply
Oak Creek ES Portuguese speaking Sub Intervention Aide12/12/2024ClassifiedOAK CREEK ELEMENTARYApply
Classified_Custodian, 2nd shift_OLHS12/10/2024ClassifiedLIBERTY HIGH SCHOOLApply
Freedom Trail-ES Playground and/or Cafeteria Substitute Aide (4-5hours/per day)12/10/2024SubstituteFREEDOM TRAIL ELEMENTARYApply
Johnnycake Corners ES Long-term Sub Intervention Aide12/09/2024ClassifiedJOHNNYCAKE CORNERS ELEMENTARYApply
Long-term Certified Substitute_ESCCO/LTES12/06/2024SubstituteLIBERTY TREE ELEMENTARYApply
HS Head Soccer - Boys12/05/2024CoachingOLENTANGY HIGH SCHOOLApply
MS Track Asst Coach - Boys12/05/2024CoachingSHANAHAN MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
MS Track Asst Coach - Girls12/05/2024CoachingSHANAHAN MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
MS 7th Gr Softball12/05/2024CoachingSHANAHAN MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
MS 8th Gr Softball12/05/2024CoachingSHANAHAN MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
MS 7th Gr Baseball12/05/2024CoachingSHANAHAN MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
MS 8th Gr Baseball12/05/2024CoachingSHANAHAN MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
MS Football Coaches12/05/2024CoachingSHANAHAN MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
MS Asst Lacrosse Coach - Boys12/05/2024CoachingORANGE MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
MS 7th GR Football11/22/2024CoachingLIBERTY MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
MS Golf - Girls11/22/2024CoachingLIBERTY MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
MS 7th GR Lacrosse (Boys)11/22/2024CoachingLIBERTY MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
MS Assistant Track (Boys)11/22/2024CoachingLIBERTY MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
MS Track (Boys)11/22/2024CoachingLIBERTY MIDDLE SCHOOLApply
HS Varsity Volleyball (Girls)11/22/2024CoachingOLENTANGY HIGH SCHOOLApply
Classified_Custodian, 2nd shift_OOHS11/21/2024ClassifiedORANGE HIGH SCHOOLApply
HS Head Soccer Coach (Girls)11/20/2024CoachingORANGE HIGH SCHOOLApply
Classified Substitute Position - Food Service11/19/2024SubstituteDISTRICTApply
HS Boys Head Soccer Coach11/14/2024CoachingORANGE HIGH SCHOOLApply
Tyler Run ES Long-term Sub Intervention Aide10/31/2024ClassifiedTYLER RUN ELEMENTARYApply
HS Asst Girls Lacrosse Coach (2 Positions Available)10/30/2024CoachingORANGE HIGH SCHOOLApply
Classified_Mechanic_Transportation_Substitute10/29/2024SubstituteMECHANICS - LIBERTYApply